2008年12月17日 星期三


The next time you feel like God can’t use you, just remember… 下次您感覺上帝無法用您時, 請三思…….

Noah was a drunk. 挪亞是醉漢。

Abraham was too old. 亞伯拉罕年紀老邁。

Issac was a daydreamer. 以撒是做白日夢的人。

Jacob was a liar. 雅各是撒謊的人。

Leah was ugly. 利亞長得醜。

Joseph was abused. 約瑟是受虐者。

Moses had a stuttering problem. 摩西有口吃的毛病。

Gideon was afraid. 基甸心中害怕。

Samson had long hair and was a womanizer. 參孫留長髮且好女色。

Rahab was a prostitute. 喇合是妓女。

Jeremiah and Timothy were too young. 耶利米和提摩太都是太年少。

David had an affair and was a murderer. 大衛與婦人有染且是殺人漢。

Elijah was suicidal. 以利亞曾企圖自殺。

Isaiah preached naked. 以賽亞曾赤身講道。

Jonah ran from God. 約拿逃離上帝。

Naomi was a widow. 拿俄米是寡婦。

Job went bankrupt. 約伯破產。

John the Baptist ate bugs. 施洗約翰吃蟲子。

Peter denied Christ three times. 彼得三次不認主。

The Disciples fell asleep while praying. 門徒們在禱告中紛紛入睡。

Martha worried about everything. 馬大凡事憂慮。

The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once. 撒瑪利亞婦人離婚多次。

Zaccheus was too small. 撒該是矮子。

Paul was too religious. 保羅太虔敬。

Timothy had an ulcer….And Lazarus was dead. 提摩太有胃潰瘍,而拉撒路死了。

1.在神面前, 不要自誇; 在人面前, 不必自卑.

2.獨特的你, 盡得神愛; 蒙召的你, 榮得神用.

