2021年1月10日 星期日

21天禁食禱告 第二週禱文


禁食禱告 第二週禱文

刊登於 2021/01/10



第8天 2021-1-11 (週一) 主題:除去貪財的惡根



Day 8 2021-1-11 (Monday)  
Subject: Remove the evil roots of greed
Scripture: 1Tim 6:8-10
1. How do I feel about my current financial situation? Am I satisfied by it? Do I have a "poverty" mentality? Do I base my sense of security on money?
2. Am I being tied up by lack of money or debt? Ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate the cause of my lack of money or debt. Is it caused by my ​​"greed for money"?
3. Lord Jesus said: "One person cannot serve two masters; either hate the one and love the other, or value ​​the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." Can I love and value God above loving and valuing money?
Prayer guidelines:
1. Pray for the Lord to adjust my values, and get rid of the mentality of "poverty" in me; help me to rely on God instead of money, and build my satisfaction and security on the relationship with the Lord.
2. Let the Holy Spirit illuminate the cause of my lack of money or debt, confess my sins, and ask God for forgiveness. Pray for mercy from the Lord to guide me out of the bondage of debt.
3. Pray for the Lord to give me a heart that loves and values ​​God, trust in God's guidance, and learn to live a life of faith, so that I can truly experience God as the Provider of everything I need.
第9天 2021-1-12 (週二) 主題:制伏自己的心




Day 9 2021-1-12 (Tuesday)  
Subject: Subduing one’s heart
Scripture: Proverbs 25:28
1. "Subduing my own heart" means that I must restrain, restrict, and control my own spirit, thoughts, and emotions; otherwise, the enemy will easily attack and destroy my life. Do I really understand this truth?
2. Have I ever fallen into temptation or sin because I indulged my own thoughts? Have I ever vented my emotions, causing damage to my body, mind, and interpersonal relationship?
3. Only by subduing my heart can my body, soul, interpersonal relationship, life and destiny not be destroyed by the enemy's attack. Although it is not easy, would I choose to rely on the Holy Spirit and obey the Holy Spirit to control my heart?
Prayer guidelines:
1. Pray for the Lord to help me to do my best in subduing my heart, remind me to always be vigilant, and rely on the Holy Spirit to subdue my heart and overcome temptation.
2. Ask the Lord to heal my life, lead me to rebuild myself in the Lord's love and truth, give me grace and power, and restore any broken and ruined relationship.
3. Pray for the Lord to help me to choose to obey and trust God and His words. Invite the Holy Spirit to fill my heart, so that my life will be covered and protected by God.
第10天 2021-1-13 (週三) 主題:除去嫉妒的心




Day 10 2021-1-13 (Wednesday)  
Subject: Get rid of the jealous heart
Scripture: Proverbs 14:30
1. Jealousy is like cancer cells in the body, corrupting people's lives every day. Is there any jealousy in my heart?
2. Is my jealousy of others due to dissatisfaction with myself? Do I often compare with others, and does it affect my interpersonal relationship?
3. A tranquil heart is also a peaceful heart. Do I have a peaceful heart, knowing my preciousness and uniqueness in the eyes of God?
Prayer guidelines:
1. Ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate the jealousy in my heart, reveal the root of my jealousy, bring it to the Lord and repent. Ask the Lord to forgive and release me to be healed, and give me a healthy body, mind, and soul.
2. Pray for the Lord to open my eyes, to see myself, love myself, and appreciate myself with God's eyes, remove the jealousy in my heart, and repair my broken interpersonal relationship.
3. Pray that the Father’s love fills me, so that I understand that I am a son/ daughter whom the Father loves, that I can understand and cherish my preciousness and uniqueness, so that my heart can be peaceful and no longer be disturbed by "jealousy".
第11天 2021-1-14 (週四) 主題:除去驕傲的心

經文:你們年幼的,也要順服年長的。就是你們眾人也都要以謙卑束腰,彼此順服;因為 神阻擋驕傲的人,賜恩給謙卑的人。所以,你們要自卑,服在 神大能的手下,到了時候,他必叫你們升高。(彼前5:5-6) 



Day 11 2021-1-14 (Thursday)  
Subject: Remove a prideful heart
Scripture: 1 Peter 5:5-6
1. Humility is "lowering oneself"; only by being humble can you obey. Mediate: am I an obedient and humble person?
2. The elders in the church and my parents may have limitations in their views, wisdom and may not be in tune to the trends. Do I still obedient and honor them in my heart?
3. Do I appreciate the immaturity of young people, and am I patient to listen to their opinions within the church body or cell group? Can I truly obey a leader or supervisor who is younger and junior than myself?
Prayer guidelines:
1. Pray for the Holy Spirit to help me learn throughout my life, imitate the Lord's meek and humble life, be able to see my pride, and see others stronger than myself.
2. Pray for being able to honor and obey the elderly and elderly parents, experience blessings due to obedience, and be able to inherit the inheritance and blessings of the previous generation of church and family.
3. Pursue a humble life for oneself, strive to connect the previous and the next generation into oneness, and become a blessing and prayer for everyone in the team and the body.
第12天 2021-1-15 (週五) 主題:除去虛榮的心

經文:喜愛筵席上的首座,會堂裏的高位,又喜愛人在街市上問他安,稱呼他拉比 。(太23:6-7)

3.思想神的話語,我們能居上不居下的原則:「你若聽從耶和華─你 神的誡命,就是我今日所吩咐你的,謹守遵行,不偏左右,也不隨從事奉別神,耶和華就必使你作首不作尾,但居上不居下。」(申28:13)



Day 12 2021-1-15 (Friday)  
Subject: Removing vanity in our hearts
Scripture: Matthew 23:6-7
1. Examine whether you love fame (Galatians 5:26) and vanity glory (Philippians 2:3).
2. Think about whether I want too much to be recognized by others? Are there deficiencies and insecurity in my life? Am I affirming my value in God's heart by the position or title of serving, or by how busy I am in serving?
3. Think of God’s words, the principle that we can be at the top and not the bottom: “The Lord will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom.” (Deuteronomy 28:13)
Prayer guidelines:
1. Ask the Lord to help me confess my sins and repent for my lust and pride. "For everything in the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life - comes not from the Father but from the world." (1 John 2:16)
2. Pray for the Lord to heal the deficiencies and insecurity in my life, guide me to establish a true and intimate relationship with God, align with God, and understand what God values.
3. Pray with meditation on the verse Deuteronomy 28:13 - May God take the first place in my life and give me spiritual improvement and growth to glorify God.
第13天 2021-1-16 (週六) 主題:除去憂悶煩躁的心

經文:我要對神-我的磐石說:你為何忘記我呢?我為何因仇敵的欺壓時常哀痛呢?…我的心哪,你為何憂悶?為何在我裏面煩躁?應當仰望 神,因我還要稱讚他。他是我臉上的光榮,是我的 神。(詩42:9,11) 



Day 13 2021-1-16 (Saturday)  
Subject: Removing a sad and irritable heart
Scripture: Psalm 42:9,11
1. In the face of difficulties, our hearts are often distressed and irritable, but David encouraged us to look up to our God and praise Him. In this regard, do I have "impossible" and "unable" lies in my heart?
2. Play music or songs about worshipping or drawing close to God, and confide my sad and painful things to God during worship.
3. Maybe you have been ill for a long time without being healed. Are you caught by negative thoughts such as "God is not pleased with me", "God has abandoned me"?
Prayer guidelines:
1. Pray for the Lord to get rid of the lies in my heart, bring our sorrow and irritations to God, and rely on the Holy Spirit to praise God, so that I will have the strength to overcome difficulties.
2. Ask the Lord to heal my body, mind, and soul so that my emotions can be released. Through prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving, tell God what I want.
3. Pray for the Holy Spirit to renew my thoughts and mind, discard all lies and non-God beliefs, follow God with faith, and pray that there is enough grace in our weakness.
第14天 2021-1-17 (週日) 主題:除去懼怕人的心



2.請用:「愛裏沒有懼怕;愛既完全,就把懼怕除去。因為懼怕裏含著刑罰,懼怕的人在愛裏未得完全。」(約壹4:18)、「你不要怕他們,因那為你爭戰的是耶和華─你的 神。」(申3:22)來為自己能成為合神心意的領袖、屬靈遮蓋禱告。

Day 14 2021-1-17 (Sunday)  
Subject: Remove the fear of people
Scripture: Proverbs 29:25
1. Facing the environment of thoughts, words, deeds, and lifestyles that do not fear God, do I dare to live a sanctify life, be different from others, or even be rejected by others?
2. As a parent, leader, or someone with spiritual authority, do I really persuade and help those who have strayed in the truth to repent and reform, or am I afraid that they will get angry and oppose me, and do not want to do it?
3. Are insurmountable psychological factors, wrong ways of getting along with people, or spiritual control reasons for my fear of people?
Prayer guidelines:
1. Pray that the Lord will personally be my help at any time, my trust and strength, to help me live a holy life and influence this generation.
2. Pray that you can become a leader after God’s heart and be spiritually covered using these 2 scriptures: "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." (1 John 4:18), "You shall not fear them, for it is the Lord your God who fights for you” (Deuteronomy 3:22).
3. Ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate the reasons for these fears or fearing of specific people, or spiritual coercion, and bring these before God. Ask the Lord for healing so that I can be free from coercion and have a healthy spiritual life.

