2009年1月24日 星期六

2009/1/25~1/31 讀經進度


 靈糧簡餐   靈糧全餐

25 Psalms 25 Matthew 25 Genesis 49~50

26 Psalms 26 Matthew 26 Exodus 1~2

27 Psalms 27 Matthew 27 Exodus 3~4

28 Psalms 28 Matthew 28 Exodus 5~6

29 Psalms 29 使行傳 Acts 01 Exodus 7~8

30 Psalms 30 使行傳 Acts 02 Exodus 9~10

31 Psalms 31 使行傳 Acts 03 Exodus 11~12

按此連結<詩篇 25-28 禱讀資料 >

按此連結<詩篇1-28篇 讀經默想題目>

按此連結< 使徒行傳 1-3 禱讀資料>

按此連結< 使徒行傳 1-4章 讀經默想題目>

3 則留言:

ann wu 提到...

Psalms26:3 for your love is ever before me, and I walk continually in your truth.
詩篇26:3 因為你的慈愛常在我眼前,我也按你的真理而行。

神的愛在我們的前面, 而不是在我們後面. 神不會說, 當我們遇到困難的時候, 他才會顯明他的愛. 我們每天可能充滿著生命中的恐懼, 現在景氣那麼差, 學校那麼難度過, 工作那麼累...etc. 但是我們不能忘了說, 神的愛是我們前方. 我們可以因此得勝. 在我們的未來裡已經充滿著神的恩典, 他的慈善...

今天不管你心情多差, 想一想, 神已經戰勝了一切. 我們活在他的慈愛裡~

高 棠 提到...

Dear Wuann777,
Appreciate your sharing.Every time when I got chance to watch our board,& found there is some one really care about fee back what God had taught; it comfort my heart so much. (especially it is the only way now I may know the situation of our Church activity).
Sorry write with English ,because I can't use Chinese now with this computer.
May God reward
Maggie Kao

高 棠 提到...

Dear Wuann777,
Appreciate your sharing.Every time when I got chance to watch our board,& found there is some one really care about fee back what God had taught; it comfort my heart so much. (especially it is the only way now I may know the situation of our Church activity).
Sorry write with English ,because I can't use Chinese now with this computer.
May God reward
Maggie Kao
