2008年9月28日 星期日

"Shore Up! Supply Lines are Shifting! Houston Update!"

"Shore Up! Supply Lines are Shifting! Houston Update!"

Dear Friends, Intercessors and Zion Aligned:

Storm seasons cause us to process our lives from different perspectives. In the midst of a storm there is majesty and terror all wrapped up in one emotion. These are times that we must process our storms properly. Jesus taught His disciples how to develop faith in the midst of storms.

A couple nights ago, my wife Pam told me that she had a concern within her about terrorist activity. This might not be a physical storm, but should be a storm that we all are thinking of as we progress into the new season ahead. This was very unusual for her to say this since she is not prone to be concerned in such areas. Therefore, be watchful in whatever storm you are going through and whatever adverse wind is stirring around you.

All through the night that Hurricane Ike came on shore, I found myself praying for all of our partners and associates. I would text Penny Jackson in Houston back and forth for updated conditions. I felt peace by 3:14 AM, and then began to praise the Lord. We are in trying times.

This is a Season the Lord is Watching to See How We Respond

This is a season that the Lord is watching to see how we respond to our circumstances, accusations, and to the problems of others. In every year of "8" we must learn to receive "Super-Abundant Grace" and extend "Super-Abundant Grace."

In this month of ELUL, there are many patterns in the Word that I am reviewing. A key pattern is from Nehemiah 6. In this passage, Nehemiah is progressing to finish the wall around Jerusalem when he meets great resistance. I love the way he responds. Here are some keys for you as you press toward certain tasks of your endings. Respond correctly to:

• The seducing power of the enemy on your path!
• The evil reports that you are having to process!
• The fear opposing the completion of the project you have been sent to accomplish!
• The secret "messengers" who claim they have been sent by God, but are attempting to sway you from completing your task!
• The forces rallying against you to stop progress!
• The narrow "eye of the needle" entryway facing you! LET GO and GO THROUGH!

Houston Reports and Communications:

At the beginning of August, during our Firstfruits Gathering, I gave Deborah DeGar (a key minister from Houston) a word to "Lead prayer for 21 days. Pray at midnight in Houston and break the fear of the night!" She finished those 21 days of prayer last Friday morning, the day that Hurricane Ike was to come on shore. Here is her report from September 12:

"'SHORE UP.' This is the word that the Lord dropped in my spirit on the morning of September 5, 2008. It is not a phrase that I am especially familiar with, nor is it a term that I would ordinarily use. Therefore, I had to do some research to define the meaning. In this season, God has asked us to Grow, Mature, Increase and Accelerate.

"Many of us have been praying through the twenty-one days that we believe the Lord set aside. The focus has been for this region to find its footing, accelerate, and move forward into the destiny and purposes of God. We felt that the the 30-day prayer points issued by Chuck Pierce were ideal as a springboard that could serve as our initial emphasis.

"Today, September 12, 2008, is the last day of the twenty-one day prayer emphasis for Houston. In April, Chuck had prophesied about the waters coming to the gates of our city as well. When I heard the words 'Shore - Up,' I knew it was a nautical term, but I was not sure what it all meant. Houston is now faced with preparing for hurricane winds and heavy rain according to the weather forecast.

"The 'American Heritage Dictionary' describes shore as 'the land along the edge of an ocean, sea, lake, or river; coast. Land: native shores.' Shore up implies to 'prop up,' as with an inclined timber. 'Shore up sagging floors': a beam or timber propped against a structure to provide usually temporary support.'

"As I was driving the streets of Houston this morning returning from early morning prayer, there are homes and businesses boarded up and nearly anything that can move is tied down. I believe the Lord has given us the plan for this season to be applied both naturally and spiritually. Though we must brace for what is ahead, I believe there is victory on the other side of the storm.

"The Scriptures that are in my spirit are Isaiah 35:1-10 and Hebrews 12:11-13. Decree that all of your desert places will be watered and blossom, and by all means 'Shore Up!'

"'Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; He will come and save you. Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as a hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert.

"And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water: in the habitation of dragons, where each lay, shall be grass with reeds and rushes. And a highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called the way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein.

"No lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon, it shall not be found there; but the redeemed shall walk there: and the ransomed of the LORD shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.'" Isaiah 35:1-10

"'Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby. Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; and make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed.'" Hebrews 12:11-13

Here is another report from Tom Victor in Houston (sent on September 15):

"Thank you for covering us with your prayers regarding Hurricane Ike. The request was sent to a large group of friends and prayer networks, literally around the globe. Several of you have sent e-mail messages asking how we are and for an update. So here goes.

The Situation: "As most of you no doubt know by now, Ike came across Galveston Island and over the City of Houston. While it was a very large and significant storm, and because it crossed directly over Houston, an area of 5.6 million people, the impact was widespread. The storm surge on the coastal area was huge. We went right through 'the eye of the storm.'

"Almost all of Houston lost power. Almost all communication systems were down, including phones, internet, cable systems, etc. I'm sending this e-mail out from the one source I know where I have e-mail access. Power is being restored, but we are told it will take weeks to restore it across the city. Because of a lack of power, it is very difficult to get gasoline and/or other needed resources."

The Positive: "With all of that said, we are very thankful. Many precious lives were spared. There was every indication that the storm would continue to strengthen in wind speed. It hit land at 110 mph, one mile an hour short of a category 3 storm. For some reason the eye did not fully form. It continued to remain disorganized. The rains that were expected to precede it never materialized, limiting the impact.

"Several experts continued to comment on the unusual nature of the storm. They did not have a good explanation. We are now seeing the residents of Houston come together in new ways. Many of the distribution points for supplies are at local churches across the city. There is a good partnership between local agencies and churches. Read Psalm 93!"

And here is a report from Virginia Grace Green, realtor, and a Business of Zion and Zion Aligned Member (sent on September 16):

"We have water and electric!!! Have mixed messages as to the safety of the water, but God has shown us incredible grace and mercy. From the way our officials (national, local, FEMA, Red Cross - at every level) have handled the crisis, to neighbors cooking outside in the alley ways and helping one another - the Lord's name is being praised!!

"Damage has been minimal in Houston considering the magnitude of the storm. The Lord gave us the cool front to assist with the outside temp since there has been no AC, and before the cool front, the clouds remained to help protect us from the intense heat. There has been a full moon so we have been able to see much better after dark.

"On a personal note: I have been cooking on a single unit Coleman stove. One small canister of propane lasted until this morning after breakfast. I was going to make another pot of coffee which has been a staple to all neighbors who have not had the ability to cook or heat things. When I struck the match the propane ran out, and within 30 seconds the electric power was restored. God's timing has been awesome!

"Neighbors have met neighbors! People have felt the love of God for others and are assisting in any way possible. Every moment, our Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, has put to use for His purposes!!! Praise the Lord!!! There is a long way to go, but God is in control. Thank you so much for your prayers and watchfulness in the Spirit. We love you all and are so grateful for you!!"


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

5769:是充滿 神的良善的一年,卻也是在受苦中。"5769: A Year of GOODNESS in the Midst of SUFFERING"

5769:是充滿 神的良善的一年,卻也是在受苦中。









"5769: A Year of GOODNESS in the Midst of SUFFERING"

Some of you are very shaken over the economy! Susan Stanfield, who many of you visit with here at the office, said this recently: "I had a dream where the enemy was laying out my future by attempting to read my palm. The Lord interrupted this scenario by sending a diversion. Before the enemy could address me, my alarm went off for Tuesday AM Prayer. I jumped and said, 'My life and times are in Your hands and not in the work of my hands or the reading of my palm.'"

Occult spirits are always linked with money, and divination works with finances! Recognize there is much manipulation in the voices of the nation linked with finance.

In June, the Lord spoke to me in a different way about the financial systems of the world and said our Stock Market would be in disarray by September 18. He told me, "The government will intervene. This will create a realignment of economies worldwide."

These are exciting but dangerous times! Invest wisely! The next 5 months are key!

To know how to pray, watch who invests where! Keep watching through October 4 in a very intense way. This situation is setting a new course for our nation. As the government proposes to "bail out" the financial system of this nation, this makes you wonder where a nation in debt gets the money to "bail out" a system in debt. Who will rule in days ahead is key!

"Trust Me…nations are realigning!"


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion Ministries

2008年9月27日 星期六


靈糧全餐   靈糧簡餐

28 詩篇 Psalms 89 路加福音 Luke 10 列王記下 2 Kings 22~23

29 詩篇 Psalms 90 路加福音 Luke 11 歷代志下 2 Chronicles 36:1~8

30 詩篇 Psalms 91 路加福音 Luke 12 但以理書 Daniel 1~2

1 詩篇 Psalms 92 路加福音 Luke13 但以理書 Daniel3~4

2 詩篇 Psalms 93 路加福音 Luke14 但以理書 Daniel5~6

3 詩篇 Psalms 94 路加福音 Luke15 但以理書 Daniel7~8

4 詩篇 Psalms 95 路加福音 Luke16 但以理書 Daniel9~10

10:21 聰明通達的人反而被自己的智慧所蒙蔽。嬰孩是一無所知,但是他們卻很單純而客觀,他們反而成為最蒙福的人了,這正是神的智慧,叫人不能以自己誇口。

11:38 看見耶穌飯前不「洗手」,這洗手和衛生無關,只是猶太人表達敬虔的禮儀,事實上那種洗手的方式是洗不乾淨的。

11:43 會堂的首位是安排在前面,面對會眾。

11:44 民數記,「無論何人在田野裡摸了墳墓就要七日不潔淨。」 (十九16) 所以人看見了墳墓就避開,但是他們是不顯露的墳墓,人就在不知不覺中變成不潔淨。

11:50 「所流眾先知血的罪,都要問在這世代的身上」在主後七十年羅馬提多將軍圍攻耶路撒冷導致屠城,並且拆毀城牆使一塊石頭也不留在石頭上。

11:52 知識的鑰匙奪了去,大部份的百姓都無法接觸聖經,只有聽文士,法利賽人荒誕的解釋,他們成為聖經的權威,普通人是不能碰,也不敢反對他們的講論。

16:8 今世之子,是指世人,光明之子是指屬神的子民。

16:9 不義的錢財,這句不易解,但明顯主不是指來路不明的錢財,而是對世上錢財的一個形容。


16:19-20 財主和拉撒路。主所說的可能是一個真實的事,因為比喻裡主從來沒有指出名字,這段話讓我們略知人死後的情形。

16:22 「死了」,他們生前以及葬禮可能很不同,可是死卻是一樣。

16:25 「你生前享過福,拉撒路也受過苦。」這裡主指出人死後的情形是人活著的時候所造成的。

16:31 「若不聽先知的話………」一個人若不信神藉先知說的話,也不會因為神蹟而相信。

2008年9月20日 星期六


靈糧全餐   靈糧簡餐

21 Psalms 82 路加福音 Luke 03 利米書 Jeremiah 9~10

22 Psalms 83 路加福音 Luke 04 利米書 Jeremiah 14~15

23 Psalms 84 路加福音 Luke 05 利米書 Jeremiah 16~17

24 Psalms 85 路加福音 Luke 06 利米書 Jeremiah 18~20

25 Psalms 86 路加福音 Luke 07 利米書 Jeremiah 35~36

26 Psalms 87 路加福音 Luke 08 利米書 Jeremiah 13,22

27 Psalms 88 路加福音 Luke 09 利米書 Jeremiah 23~24

3:16 解鞋帶是當時奴僕的工作,約翰用這個來表明主耶穌是極其尊貴非凡。

4:25-26 撒勒法的寡婦因接待先知,而靠瓶裡的一點油,罐裡的一點麵渡過飢荒 (王上十七)

4:27 乃縵得潔淨是記在王下五1-19

5:13 你「潔淨」了,痲瘋病在屬靈的意義上是代表罪,所以聖經對付痲瘋病不用醫治而用潔淨。

5:30 稅吏是為羅馬人徵稅,再加上他們常私自加稅以中飽私囊,所以他們為猶太人所不齒,而把他們和羅人 (指下流和娼妓) 並列。

5:36 當時的布是毛布,所以布會縮水。把新布補在舊衣上,會因為新布縮水而把舊衣撕裂。

5:37 新酒仍然具有強大的發酵力。舊皮袋因為已經變硬沒有彈性,很容易就因新酒的發酵而裂開。

5:39 陳酒是主暗指法利賽人喜歡舊約,而拒絕主耶穌帶來的新約。

6:1 門徒掐麥穗,這是律法所允許的 (申廿三25) 但是卻違背了猶太人遺傳所留下的禁例,Abhoth 指出安息日不可收割,打榖後來的Toldoth 更解釋掐麥穗就等於收割,用手搓麥穗就等於打榖。事實上門徒沒有違背律法卻違反了猶太人的Toldth

6:3 大衛吃陳設餅的事記在撒上廿一1-6

7:28 最小的還比他大。約翰是舊約時代的結尾,同時又是新約時代的先鋒。在舊約時代他是最大的,可是在新約,在神的國裡他卻成為最小的。這是指著他在時代的地位來說的,他剛好站在黎明和日出的中間,對黑暗來說他最亮,但卻不如日出的光。

7:33 不吃餅、不喝酒。約翰看見神的怒氣,使他裡面產生極重的負擔,而不思飲食。

7:34 人子來也吃也喝。人子來是帶著恩典,喜樂的福音,告訴人神不要審判而要拯救。所以主進入人群之中與稅吏和罪人一起同吃同喝,作他們的朋友。

7:35 智慧之子是指出於主的人。箴言八章耶穌就是智慧。

7:44-46 「你沒有給我水洗腳」,「你沒有與我親嘴」,「你沒有用油抹我」這都是主人對客人應有的禮遇,但這位法利賽人西門卻都沒做。

7:47 赦免少的,他的愛就少。赦罪不是因愛而得,愛卻是因赦免而生。

8:18 應當小心怎樣聽,因為這將決定我們成為一個豐富的人或是一個一無所有的人。

8:27 住在墳墓裡。因為猶太人的墳墓是一個洞穴,所以可以住在裡面。

8:32-33 主耶穌允許鬼進入豬群,而招致豬群闖下山崖。律法禁吃豬肉,但他們卻養豬致富,主就在趕鬼的時候也同時掃除了違反律法的生意。

8:37 他們卻求耶穌離開他們。被鬼所附的人比被貪慾所控制的人更有指望,他們拒絕了耶穌,結果他們成為可憐的人,那地區的居民被稱為「Troglodites 翻出來是「住在墳墓」裡的人。

8:43 這裡的「醫生」是複數,她經過了許多醫生的診治,也受了不同方式醫療的痛苦。


9:60 「容我先回去埋葬我的父親」,這句話的意思不是指他的父親剛死待葬,而是要等待父親過世之後才要來跟隨主

2008年9月17日 星期三


walkwiththee 在天空部落發表於 2007-05-18 00:00:00氣象
Good TV 好消息月刊-靈修日課 May 18, 2007 查爾斯史丹利牧師‧《生命的觸動》(IN TOUCH)

  18 耶穌說這話的時候,有一個管會堂的來拜他,
  19 耶穌便起來跟著他去;門徒也跟了去。
20 有一個女人,患了十二年的血漏,
  21 因為他心裏說:我只摸他的衣裳,就必痊癒。
  22 耶穌轉過來,看見她,就說:
  23 耶穌到了管會堂的家裏,
  24 就說:退去吧!
  25 眾人既被攆出,耶穌就進去,
  26 於是這風聲傳遍了那地方。
  27 耶穌從那裏往前走,有兩個瞎子跟著他,
  28 耶穌進了房子,瞎子就來到他跟前。
  29 耶穌就摸他們的眼睛,說:
  30 他們的眼睛就開了。耶穌切切的囑咐他們說:
  31 他們出去,竟把他的名聲傳遍了那地方。
  32 他們出去的時候,
  33 鬼被趕出去,啞巴就說出話來。



  當患難來臨,我們有時也會忘記 神是位什麼樣的 神。我們想不起來過往禱告如何蒙應允、聖靈曾如何明確帶領前行的步伐,把過去在危機中學到的功課忘得一乾二淨。似乎只有當下的感覺才是真實的。我們的心思隨著對將來的想像起伏不定,混亂的情緒癱瘓了清楚思考的能力。

  讀聖經是回憶聖經事實的竅門。另一個重要的方法就是寫屬靈日記,記錄你與 神同行的過程,包括詳細描述祂如何在你身上動工。那彷彿一張地圖,記錄你到過的地方,以及沿途 神如何幫助你。眼前的試煉艱難的程度或許前所未見,你卻依然可以回顧這些年 神如何展現祂不變的屬性。



2008年9月15日 星期一


靈糧全餐   靈糧簡餐

14 Psalms 75 希伯來書 Hebrews 09 巴谷書 Habakkuk 1~3

15 Psalms 76 希伯來書 Hebrews 10 利米書 Jeremiah 1~2

16 Psalms 77 希伯來書 Hebrews 11 利米書 Jeremiah 3~4

17 Psalms 78 希伯來書 Hebrews 12 利米書 Jeremiah 5~6

18 Psalms 79 希伯來書 Hebrews 13 利米書 Jeremiah 11~12

19 Psalms 80 路加福音 Luke 01 利米書 Jeremiah 26

20 Psalms 81 路加福音 Luke 02 利米書 Jeremiah 7~8


10:5-7 這段經文是引自舊約詩篇四十篇6至8節,因是引自希臘文的七十士譯本,故與希伯來文的舊約聖經略有出入。如原引文『你已經開通我的耳朵』在此為『你曾給我預備了身體』;原引文『你不喜悅』在此為『你不願意的』。有解經家認為開通耳朵就是要聽從神的教訓,而聽從神的教訓最具體的表現就是在日常生活上實行出來,所以『你已經開通我的耳朵』在此為『你曾給我預備了身體』的意思是相同的,而且更能把基督道成肉身的事實加以強調。


1:14 這一個歡喜快樂,不只是因為老來得子,而是這一個孩子要引進應許的救世主。


1:17 以利亞的「心志」能力,原文作以利亞的靈。

2:1 報名上冊,類似戶口校對,本來是為便利羅馬帝國收稅,但卻為基督降生伯利恆來鋪路,因先知彌迦早在六百五十年前就預言了救主降生在伯利恆 (彌五2-4)

2:41 猶太人男丁每年要在逾越,五旬,住棚三個大節上耶路撒冷守節 (申十六16)

2008年9月11日 星期四

2008/09/12 Fri 聚會取消, 主日目前不變, 照常舉行

因為~~颶風IKE , 政府已下令學校停課, 一些地區也強制撤退, 請大家更多代禱, 也注意自身安全, 有任何的需要請電話聯絡, 若有別人的需要, 也請發揮基督精神給予協助.

休士頓(哈里斯郡)如果你住在以下的ZIP Code 請在今天2008-09-11中午開始必須撤退77058, 77059, 77062, 77520, 77546, 77571, 77586, and 77598. (地圖上的Zone A&B)

另路徑圖, 提醒您務掉以輕心, 求神憐憫!

2008年9月7日 星期日

中風徵兆......救人救己的訊息喔 !!

中風徵兆 --請記住 STR 有個朋友,在一次烤肉聚會當中絆倒了,摔了一跤,旁邊的朋友建議找醫護人員,但她很確定自己沒事,







< /FONT>

感謝上帝讓我們記住 STR 三步驟,請閱讀並學習 !



i 以辨識中風:

S : (smile) 要求患者笑一下

T : (talk) 要求患者說一句簡單的句子 (要有條理,有連貫性),例如:今天天氣晴朗。

R : (raise) 要求患者舉起雙手

另外一項中風癥兆是: 要求患者伸出舌頭 ,
如果舌頭「彎曲」或偏向一邊,那也是中風的徵兆 。

上面四個動作,患者如果有 任何一個動作做不來 ,


刻打 119 !!!並且把症狀描述給接線者聽。

心臟科醫師說,收到這封電函的人,若能將它轉寄給 10 個人,就至少可以救一條命。

中風徵兆.......救人救己的訊息喔 !!

救人救己的訊息喔 !!
中風徵兆 --請記住 STR
< /FONT>辨識中風感謝上帝讓我們記住 STR 三步驟,請閱讀並學習 !有時候中風的癥兆很難辨認,不幸的是,缺乏警覺就會帶來災難。身邊的人辨認不出中風的徵兆,中風患者就會嚴重腦傷。 醫生說,旁人只要問三個簡單的問題,就¥
i 以辨識中風:

S : (smile) 要求患者笑一下
T : (talk) 要求患者說一句簡單的句子 (要有條理,有連貫性),例如:今天天氣晴朗。
R : (raise) 要求患者舉起雙手 注意: 另外一項中風癥兆是: 要求患者伸出舌頭 ,如果舌頭「彎曲」或偏向一邊,那也是中風的徵兆 。 上面四個動作,患者如果有 任何一個動作做不來 ,就要打 119 !!!並且把症狀描述給接線者聽。
心臟科醫師說,收到這封電函的人,若能將它轉寄給 10 個人,就至少可以救一條命。


靈糧全餐   靈糧簡餐

7 Psalms 68 希伯來書 Hebrews 02 彌迦書 Micah 3~5

8 Psalms 69 希伯來書 Hebrews 03 彌迦書 Micah 6~7

9 Psalms 70 希伯來書 Hebrews 04 列王記下 2 Kings 20~21

10 Psalms 71 希伯來書 Hebrews 05 歷代志下 2 Chronicles 33~34

11 Psalms 72 希伯來書 Hebrews 06 西番雅書 Zephaniah 1~3

12 Psalms 73 希伯來書 Hebrews 07 那鴻書 Nahum 1~3

13 Psalms 74 希伯來書 Hebrews 08 歷代志下 2 Chronicles 35

2:2 「那藉著天使所傳的話」是指舊約的律法而言,雖然摩西在傳達律法給以色列民時,清楚說明這是『耶和華在山上、從火中、面對面與你們說話』(申五4,22),但猶太人在他們的口傳和傳統教導中,仍然說摩西所領受的律法是天使所傳的(徒七35,53)。

2:2 「干犯」是指作了不該作的;「悖逆」是指該作的卻沒有作。

2:16 「亞伯拉罕的後裔」:在此「後裔」的原文與「種子」同字,是指相同生命性質的人。所以亞伯拉罕的後裔不單是指著以色列人而言,也是指著那些因信而成為亞伯拉罕屬靈後裔的人(加三7;羅四11∼12;約八39)。

2:17 挽回祭:新約譯為「挽回祭」,即舊約的「贖罪祭」,獻這祭的目的是叫公義的神因著對罪所產生的忿怒得以止息,使那因著信獻上挽回祭的人得以與神復和。

5:6 麥基洗德:是在列祖時代於撒冷城作君王和至高神的祭司(創十四17∼20)。在以色列的社會體系中,並沒有祭司兼君王的職分。但耶穌基督正是如同麥基洗德的等次又受膏作王,又作祭司。(有關麥基洗德在第七章中會再作敘述)

6:1-2 所舉這六種都是基本和較重要的道理、卻並非代表全部。「懊悔死行」和「信靠神」為信心要道;「各樣洗禮」和「按手之禮」屬外在的見證;而「死人復活」和「永遠審判」則是信仰中之基本教義。

6:9 「近乎得救」:意思不是說他們還未好到能以得救;「近乎得救」原文的意思乃是說連接了救恩,或已經得救了。作者在此是要表明他深信這些希伯來信徒,因著他們得救所表現的各種行事,已深信他們強過那些似乎得救而離道不信的人。

6:16 「以起誓為實據,了結各樣的爭論」:按摩西的律法,猶太人在彼此的爭執上,可藉起誓來了結爭執。

7:12,18 所指要更改和廢掉的不是祭司事奉的律法,而是擔任祭司的人選與任期。由利未支派亞倫家的後裔變為耶穌基督、也由一代一代相繼承襲而變為永遠為祭司。
